The Ultimate Guide to
French Time Prepositions
Use this comprehensive guide of the French time prepositions to enhance your French. Please report any bugs by leaving us a comment. We at Educards work hard to bring you the unique voice controlled learning experience. Help us by joining our community. Thanks ;)
Je me lève après 8 heures.
I wake up after 8 o'clock.
Après le petit déjeuner je bois un café.
After breakfast I drink a coffee.
Je vais lui téléphoner après.
I will call him after.
Après que nous sommes venus, tout le monde était content.
After we came, everybody was happy.
Je me lève avant 6 heures.
I get up before 6 a.m.
Avant le petit déjeuner je prépare mes affaires.
I prepare my things before the breakfast.
Avant, tout était différent.
Before, everything was different.
J'appellerai avant que je parte. (subjonctif présent)
I'll call before I go.
in, within
J'arrive dans 10 minutes.
I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Dans 3 mois c'est l'été.
In 3 months it's summer.
Elle est prête dans 10 minutes.
She's ready in 10 minutes.
il y a
Je suis arrivé il y a deux semaines.
I have arrived two weeks ago.
Il a téléphoné il y a 10 minutes.
He has called 10 minutes ago.
Nous nous sommes mariés il y a trois ans.
We got married three years ago.
Je me promène depuis deux heures.
I've been walking for two hours.
Depuis ce matin j'attends le livreur.
Since this morning I have been waiting for the delivery man.
Depuis son départ je suis très occupée.
Since his departure I have been very busy.
Depuis que Pierre est parti, je suis très occupée. (subjonctif)
Since Pierre left, I have been very busy.
à partir de
Nous sommes disponibles à partir de maintenant.
We are available from now.
À partir du 1er janvier il commence un nouveau travail.
From January 1 he starts in a new job.
from, as soon as
Dès demain, il arrête de fumer.
As of tomorrow, he stops smoking.
Je vous appelle dès la réception du colis.
I'll call you after I receive the package.
Dès la réception du colis je t'appelle.
As soon as I receive the package, I will call you.
Dès que je reçois le colis, je t'appelle. (subjonctif)
As soon as I receive the package, I will call you.
up to, until
J'attends ton retour jusqu'à samedi.
I await your return until Saturday.
J'attends ton retour d'ici samedi. (synonym)
I await your return until Saturday.
Il neige jusqu'au printemps.
It snows until spring.
Les étudiants ont travaillé jusqu'aux vacances d'été.
The students worked until the summer vacation.
Je reste chez mes parents jusqu'en octobre.
I stay with my parents until October.
by then, by the end of
J'attends samedi.d'ici votre retour
I expect your return by Saturday.
Je dois recevoir ce colis d'ici la semaine prochaine.
You should receive this package by the next week.
while, for, during
Je suis resté au Canada pendant trois semaines.
I stayed in Canada for three weeks.
Il a été malade pendant 3 jours.
He was sick for 3 days.
Je travaillerai également pendant l'été.
I will also work during the summer.
Pendant que mon ami prépare l'apéro, je fais le ménage.
While my friend prepares a drink, I clean.
by, per
Je fais les courses trois fois par semaine.
I shop once a week.
Il prenait des médicaments trois fois par jour.
He took medicine three times a day.
On se réunit vers 11 heures.
We meet around 11 o'clock.
Il y aura le feu d’artifice vers minuit.
There will be the fireworks around midnight.
Ivana is the founder of the project "French Differently". She has been teaching her beloved language for almost a decade. Directly from France, she helps Slovaks and Czechs in all corners of the world to achieve their language goals.
The Educards Team. We are working hard to bring you the voice controlled learning experience.
Jana Klimentová - production
Lucia Hanušová - marketing
Michal Vician - editing, development